1. Prominence of PR
PR's evolution was due to:
1. The growth of big institutions.
2. The increase of change, conflict and confrontation in society.
3. The sophistication of people worldwide as a result of technological innovations in com.
4. The growth of the power of public opinion in the current century.
5. The exponential growth of internet-based com tools (social software).
2. PR Definition
PR is a planned process to influence public opinion, through sound character and proper performance, based on mutually satisfactory two-way communication.
3. Planned Process to Influence the Public Opinion
a. John Marston suggested a four step model (RACE) based on specific functions:
1. Research (attitudes about the issue)
2. Action (action of the client in the public interest)
3. Communication
4. Evaluation (evaluate the com. to see if the public opinion was influence)
NB: No amount of communications can save an org. whose performance is substandard.
b. Melvin Sharpe's applies five principles to the public relations process:
1. Honest communication for credibility
2. Openness and consistency of actions for confidence
3. Fairness of actions for reciprocity and goodwill
4. Continuous two-way communication to prevent alienation and to build relationships
5. Environmental research and evaluation to determine the actions or adjustments needed for social harmony
-> Through these 5 principles, Sharpe aims to harmonize long-term relationships among individuals and organizations, which can enjoy not only good will of its publics but also stability and long life.
4. PR as Management and Public Interpreter
Every organization has PR whether it wants it or not, and the trick is to establish good PR.
In order to make institutions powerful, PR professionals must interpret the philosophies, policies, programs and practices of their management to the publics, and convey the attitudes of the public to their management.
5. The Publics of PR
A public is a group of people with a stake in an issue, organization, or idea.
The categories of publics are:
. Internal/External
. Primary, secondary, and marginal
. Traditional and future
. Proponents, opponents, and the uncommitted
6. The Functions of PR
. Writing
It includes producing news releases, speeches and brochures.
. Media relations
. Planning
This function involves planning events such as special and media events.
. Counseling
. Researching
This function is about researching the beliefs, values and attitudes of the publics to enable influencing behavior.
. Publicity
. Marketing communication
. Community relations
This function aims to put forth the organization's messages and images within the community.
. Consumer relations
This function is about interfacing with consumers through written and/or verbal communications.
. Employee relations
This functions aims to communicate with the all-important internal publics of the organization.
. Government affairs
It deals with all those who have governmental interface with the organization.
. Investor relations
This is about communicating with stockholders and those who advice them.
. Special publics relations
It deals with the publics uniquely critical to particular organizations (women, African Americans, etc.)
. Public affairs and issue management
It deals with public policy and its impact on the organization.
. Development of internet-based communication
This is about monitoring the world wide web through creating the organization's interface with the public for instance.
7. The Curse of Spin
Spin is antithetical to the proper practice of PR. So, if you lie once, you'll never be trusted again especially by the media.
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