1. Introductory Statements
. The practice of PR is all about gaining credibility, and credibility begins with telling the truth.
. The cardinal rule of PR is: "to never lie"
. The heart of PR counsel is: "to do the right thing"
2. About Ethics
a. Definition
"Standards of conduct that indicate how one should behave based on moral duties and virtues"
b. Ethics or Moral Philosophy
The field of ethics, or moral philosophy, aims to differentiate between the concepts of right and wrong behavior. It involves systematizing, defending and recommending.
Nowadays, philosophers distinguish between 3 general subject areas:
1. Metaethics
2. Normative Ethics
Normative ethics aim to define moral
standards to regulate right and wrong
3. Applied Ethics
Applied ethics focuses on examining
specific controversial issues such as
abortion and homosexuality.
c. PR Ethics
PR people must be ethical in terms of:
+ Professional ethics
+ Applied ethics
This suggests a commonly accepted sense of professional conduct that is translated into formal codes of ethics, which are monitored, assessed and enforced through actions taken against those who deviate from norm.
3. Ethics across disciplines
a. Ethics in Government
Ethics has never had a perfect reputation when it comes to politics
b. Ethics in Law
PR counselors are strictly mandated by law to register the foreign entities they represent.
c. Ethics in Business
For many people today, the term business code is an oxymore.
PR industry is linked in collective minds to ethical slipperiness and deceptive communication.
d. Corporate Social Responsibility
1. Categories
+ Marketing Price (e.g. fair price)
+ Corporate philanthropy
+ Environment activities
+ External relations (e.g. support of minorities)
+ Employee safety and health
2. Tasks
Social responsibility discipline focuses on doing the following:
+ Analyzing the issues
+ Evaluating the performance
+ Setting priorities
+ Allocating resources to the priorities
+ Implementing programs
3. The Pyramid of Social Responsibility

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